just life

red circle interlude

disclaimer: this post contains blood related descriptions.

situation #1: a long time ago, when my brother was a baby, he fell of my grandma’s iron bed once, and made a cut just under his eyebrow. the kid wouldn’t stop screaming, the blood wouldn’t stop coming out of his “eye”… my dad had a panic attack and fainted in the bathroom. mom had to grab joão and walk about a kilometer to the hospital, where they stitched him.

situation #2: my dad has a tow truck (one of those “sos trucks” to carry broken vehicles). a few months ago, when he was unloading a car, it accidently ran over one of his fingers, which expanded to the size of a small cookie. he finished the job and then came home (driving!!) with the finger dripping blood all over, but very very calm. mom cleaned and wrapped it and then scheduled the hero an x-ray scan in the hospital.

we’re very alike, my dad and i, in a way. we can take our own stuff rather well. but other’s pain… it hurts.

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