links and ideas


there was a time when i had to make up all sorts of games and tricks to keep my cousin quiet for a bit (and for my own sanity). i’m sure these cute camions-bidons, by martine camillieri would have made quite a success.
check out her website for an overload of color and creativity, as well as many ideas to entertain children – and yourself!

camion bidon

3 replies on “camions-bidons”

Did the last one take a dump or something? Don’t want to be rude though!

Agora, estes camions-bidons são muito giros e vejo facilmente uma criança criativa a divertir-se a brincar e fabricar camions-bidons destes.. se a “mamãe” não reciclar tantos bidons de CIF uma criança pode criar uma frota à là “Luís Simões Transportadora”.

Ola Ana. Ja recebi a possibilidade de convidar mais 3 pessoas para o Star tracker por isso se quizeres basta enviares-me um email com o teu mail que eu convido-te.

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