just life

my dip

it’s been so hard lately to do some of the things that i like the most – like writing or taking pictures. things that should be easy to do because… well, i am in china! there are lots of things to write about and an infinity of things to portrait, but for some reason or another, the results always look so mediocre to me. i know i can do better than i am currently doing, and the fact that i am not doing these things good enough just seems to bring me down.

and then some weeks ago i stumbled on this short clip from ira glass (from this american life radio show) giving advice on story telling and it really hit home to me, especially because it sounds true for most creative work.

so what i am trying to do right now is figuring out what i want to do next. exploring possibilities and producing more, giving myself assignments, even if the result is not so good – just pushing me to keep going and stop whining about stuff.

one day my work will be as good as my ambitions.

1 reply on “my dip”

meiadeleite é uma visita diária que faço cheio de esperança de saber um pouco mais da tua vida, apesar de estares tão longe. Qualquer relance dessa aventura oriental é um doce de ler. Não desesperes, nem t menosprezes. Força nisso :D

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