just life

swab your cheeks!

amit gupta, the founder of photojojo (with who postcrossing had a long lasting partnership) found out some weeks ago that he had acute leukemia. it’s a very serious condition, and he needs a bone marrow transplant. problem is, amit is south asian, and south asians are severely under-represented in the bone marrow pool. he has little time left to find a donor.

so, i want to ask you to get tested. if you’re in germany, register here and get a free kit. if you’re in portugal, read this or visit your local hospital (might be faster). if you’re in the netherlands, go here. people in other places, please see this post. registering only takes a couple of minutes, and even if you’re not south asian, or amit’s match, you might help save some kid’s life.

i will send a thank you postcard to any person who does get tested. do it and then leave a comment below – or better yet, share it with your friends! but please do it fast, because time is running out for amit, and others out there!

ps – if you need further incentive to stop stalling, seth godin is offering a $10k reward to the donor that matches amit.

3 replies on “swab your cheeks!”

ola, Qual é o tipo de medula? eu já estou registado no banco de dadores aqui em Portugal, se puder ajudar mostro aqui a minha total disponibilidade

@elden: não sei qual é o tipo de medula que o amit precisa (não diz no site), mas julgo que as pessoas inscritas no banco de dadores portugueses estão também inscritas na rede europeia de dadores – e se fizerem match serão chamadas. a probabilidade é pequena, já que o amit é asiático, mas nunca somos demais!

Eu já requeri o meu kit aqui na Alemanha. Era algo que já queria fazer há algum tempo, mas ia ficando sempre para depois. Graças ao teu post, tomei a atitude.

Espero que o Amit encontre depressa um dador compatível.

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