in canada traveling


i don’t remember the last time we did a trip far away enough to justify having jetlag, but i definitely has it. luckily, tim hortons is here to help…

…because we’re in canada! :D it’s been over 10 years since the last time we were in north america, but things still have the same familiar feel. like walking down a movie set, we recognize their cemented driveways and big houses, the restaurant chains and the easy greetings of the people that we meet. i can’t wait to get out and explore… but first, coffee.

just life

lynda’s care package

our canadian friend lynda, whom we hosted late last year, sent us a lovely care package for christmas. with the inevitable delay in portuguese customs, the parcel arrived only in february… and suddenly, it was christmas all over again! :) this was the bounty:

lynda's care package

lots of pretty stationery, tea, chocolate coins and balls, pecan nuts, maple syrup, toffee, and even a beautiful stained glass ornament she made herself!

lynda's care package

oh, and a mountain of crispy crunch, probably one of the best candies out there! peanut butter and salt flakes, folded in crispy pillows of goodness and covered in chocolate… so, so good! plus, these are tiny, so you don’t feel like you’re over-indulging when you reach out for one. we’ve been rationing them so that they don’t end too soon…

lynda's care package lynda's care package

thank you so much lynda — it was perfect, all of it! :)