in taiwan


although they were no longer mandatory in most places when we were in taiwan, 90% of the population still used masks everywhere, even outside — i guess part out of habit, part because of the pollution, and part just to play it safe. we used them as well most of the time as a precaution, because i would have hated if i had gotten sick during this trip that i had been waiting for so long. it actually felt good to wear them when out and about! 

it helps that masks here are really cute: there’s a variety of designs and shapes, and they seem overall much more comfortable than the ones we’d been wearing in europe during the height of the pandemic. i grabbed some travel/postal themed ones, and later also these cute moomin ones. :) i’m keeping a little stash to use in hospitals or public transportation back home — i think they’ll be the cutest masks in a large radius! :D 

just life

one down…

…one to go!

bandaids are the must-have accessory of 2021, and i’m going to proudly wear mine until it falls off! :D

analogue wednesdays

analogue wednesday #239

signs of the pandemic.

in portugal

analogue wednesday #237

Feet with painted sign 1.5m

signs of the pandemic.

just life one second everyday

one second everyday — april 2020

april was the homeliest of months, calm and quiet, and just what the WHO ordered. after coming south, we did nothing besides work, study, eat and putter around in the garden.

improbably, there are now pumpkins, tomatoes, physalis, sage, mint, lemongrass, chives and lettuce growing… as well as an ever-expanding collection of succulents, and passionfruit. :| the hands want to keep busy, i guess, and things grow, little by little. i’m ok with this.