
the only upgrade this mac is getting…

… is more stickers! :D


click on the image for an overload of notes on flickr. oh, and do you have stickers to trade? let me know! :)

(previous version, a couple of months ago.)



we’re back in business, baby! :)
oh yeah!
dear people of the world,
after a strange (to say the least) first diagnosis of “everything inside the case is broken”, i’m looking into a second opinion on the ibook issue, somewhere else.

do you have any experience or piece of advice you’d like to share on this whole “iBook reparation” matter?
anything goes, from how you got the data out of your disk to links or piece-by-piece replacement tutorials. please mail me or just leave a not on the comments.



quick update, just to say "hello! i’m still around!". i really don’t like leaving meiadeleite without regular updates, but right now i’m having trouble keeping up with normal life + all the stuff i got myself into.
here’s a bit of the stuff i’ve been working on:
* templates: marta’s and hi tech.
* newsletters: june’s urban movements (rum + maus hábitos) and another one for rum com jazz.

lots of other stuff coming up, webstuff mainly. and… i’m getting the cutest notebook around (at least if you ask me)!

trying hard not to become a total geek. tough job.