links and ideas postcrossing pretty things

a month of letters

in order to complete the letter-writing part of my 101 list, i’ve decided to join the month of letters challenge this coming february. i’m pretty sure i would have no problem acing it just with postcrossing cards… but i really want to try and write more letters!

i’m planning to send them mostly to friends, but i’m still short on recipients – so if you’d like to be included, just leave a comment below! i’d be happy to send you a letter :)

postcards postcrossing

postcrossing in schools out there

every now and then, we get an email from a teacher thanking us postcrossing, and telling us about their own projects that use the site. it makes me super-super happy to know that somewhere out there, some kids are excited to be receiving postcards and learning about new cultures through them.

maybe some day the world will be a better place because these kids understand a bit about other cultures, can point the countries on a map and remember one or two things about them.

more about this happy class, here.


postcrossing v2

so finally, after 1 year or so on the works (and the meter getting close to the “1 million postcards received” mark), there’s a fresh new face on, and a ton of new features.

(congratulations!, maybe now we can enjoy a bit of free time? :P )