* meetup is introducing fees in their service.
i don’t really blame them – they had a great idea, and they’re not making the most of it, money-wise. they’ve helped thousands of stay-at-home moms and other enthusiasts with a common passion get offline and share their thoughts, organize riots and actually “make something” out of their ideas. still, they know the risks and what’s at stake here.
personally, i think they’ll loose a big share of their groups. i won’t pay $9 a month (that’s more than what i pay to keep this site) and i won’t make the knitters in my group pay for the monthly meeting! – that’s just absurd! if it’s pay or leave, then it’s leave.
* did you know you can costumize your google news‘s page? instead of britney spears pregnancy, i can generate a page with photography or blog related news. :) neat!