a week in the north, catching up with family and friends, and running all the errands. on our way to the hospital for the post-surgery check up (all good) we got rained on so hard that it felt like we were inside some cartoon, with rain just being poured on us by a crazy god. maybe it doesn’t rain that hard in the south? or maybe we just don’t go outside when it does, not really having to be anywhere in particular on any given day.
my only surviving grandma (who makes the best fried codfish) turned 90 years old and the family threw her a little birthday party on the weekend, with her 7 living children and dozens of grandchildren and great-grandchildren. it was a loud and happy affair, as these things tend to be. it was also nice to spend time with tiny niece, and hear her say “a-na” for the first time. :)
entertainment-wise, we played carcassone with my brother and his wife (the big box, filled with expansions!) and i finished 2 books from the murderbot series. now i’m on the last one, and it feels a little bittersweet to be almost closing this chapter. :(
i also went swimming three times this week! years ago, i used to be really lazy whenever i went north, and do zero exercise for the duration of our stay. but last year, i started leaving a bag there with all the pool stuff in, and it changed everything. i got some pool cards for the swimming pools near my parents and the boy’s parents and just started going there. it works!
the bad news was that i seem to have caught a bug, either from the kid or from being rained on so much lately. *sigh*.