i’ve had my name on the newspaper a few times before. usually because of some tech article, postcrossing, or crocs-related interview. none of them had any special impact on my family, in fact, most of them they never knew about any of those.
the one thing that made all my cousins proud was this photo,

splashed on page 55 (i think) of a certain portuguese religion book. that girl there, drowning the plants? that’s me.
every cousin would in turn discover this picture one day and proceed to brag to the whole class they knew this girl, their cousin ana! they felt cool – and i did too :P
ps – that’s my mom on the yellow suit (hi mom!), which is ironic since she never liked having her picture taken :)
4 replies on “boosting family coolness since 1992”
(gosto da interrupção na resposta por baixo da foto. espero que quem estava a escrever se tenha distraído e tenha ido brincar)
lol! que giro!
eu ficava sempre a pensar que as pessoas das fotografias desses livros eram sempre de outros países, ou que não eram pessoas a sério.
é. um bocadinho parvinha, eu :)
tive uma enorme vontade de me rir às gargalhadas quando vi esta foto!! tu de saias! oh anokas, nunca pensei que fosses capaz =D =D
Um beijinho para a tua Mãe, Ana!!!