the description on the back:
It’s amazing to me that a society which has mastered the concept of fire is capable of making a film this bad.
Too insipidly, cloyingly cutesy to be edge, too crass, juvenile and vulgar to be cute, and not funny enough to be either. Additionally, there is not one single iota of genuine wit, emotion, or originality in even one frame of this odious film.
It’s as if someone took “At first sight”, “Daredevil”, “My big fat greek wedding” and “Bend it like Beckham” (among others) and threw them in a blender. Worse than that the film is insulting to every group it portrays: blind people, Italian-American, African-American, Indian-Americans, limousine drivers, therapists. Even the portrayal of prostitutes is somehow beneath the dignity of the profession.
The ludicrous, predictable plot would be easily forgivable. After all, this is a romantic comedy. We’re here to have fun and feel good.
what would your reaction be, if the movie you were about to pick had this (brilliant) synopsis? :D
4 replies on “blind dating”
Did you eventually pick the movie ? ;-)
not exactly. we bought a lot of movies from an expat that was leaving shanghai a while ago. he was selling all his movies so we brought them all and didn’t check them one by one. this one was included :)
i might have bought it though, just for the genius review on the back :D
That’s indeed a brand new way of attracting consumers’ attention ! Risky, but well done :)
One, wow, cheap expat friend — I’ve never known anyone not to give away his or her movies en masse when leaving China. As for the movie, I think like a traffic accident that you don’t want to start at but can’t look away from, I’d be forced to watch that movie.