there’s a new shop on dongxin road that sells make-up plus a panoply of useless yet very entertaining items. while inspecting them, i stumbled upon a few samples from the body shop, and bought a couple of them: coconut and mango body butter. it’s sooo hard to resist their scents and lovely packaging… *sigh*

when i got home, i checked their reviews on amazon (geeks shall be geeks after all). very moisturizing, smells divine, blablabla and then this:
I am a huge fan of the Body Shop and I absolutely *love* coconut, so I was really excited to try their new Coconut Body Butter. I was very disappointed, however, when I actually started using it. It claims to help your skin, but I’ve eaten it every single morning on my bagel and haven’t noticed any results for the past two weeks. Furthermore, it doesn’t taste very good. It smells fantastic, which is why I gave it 2 stars, but the taste isn’t as creamy or sweet as I would expect from a coconut butter.
I’m also disappointed that there is no nutritional information. It seems very high in fat, but I can only guess. I hope it’s not clogging my arteries.
i really hope so too! :D
4 replies on “i havent noticed any results in the past 2 weeks…”
I hope she’s joking. Or else, I hope there is no tax for stupidity in her country :D
LOL LOOOOOOOOOOOL LOL LOL ainda me estou a rir!!!
nathalie, she’s joking, she has tried a lot of other butters and body soufflés and written very entertaining reviews :P
ahhaahhh está a gozar não? :|