spent the week tottering on the edge of overwhelm, but also kind of letting it propel me forward. we gave a long webinar presentation and answered questions from the audience for a couple of hours, and i had 2 chinese classes, one art class, and one general assembly of the local eco-association (which did not go well…).
the boy had to go to faro for a doctor appointment and i tagged along to get some new running shoes, some books for the kid and food stuff that is harder to find here. we got some russian sushkies, some pickled herring, jalapeños, and indomie goreng (which i had heard some weeks ago from the little mail carriers stay in bali). we topped the noodles with fried eggs, and… wow! the flavor was so familiar, like old school instant noodles from a decade ago. i bought a package of 5 and i’m already regretting not bringing more.
i took the new shoes for a couple of runs and broke the 5km barrier for the first time in a long time. running is starting to slowly change for me, from being something that drains me completely into something i can keep doing for a longer period of time at a low pace and not die. :) not fun, but not unpleasant either.
i’m sure the new treadmill is helping too, as walking while working has sort of become a background thing — i walk for hours and don’t even notice it anymore. it’s kind of amazing, what a human body can do when it is healthy and strong.
finished reading a court of wings and ruin, which took much longer than expected but was ok in the end. i’m reading “funny story”, and listening to “our malady” (one light, one heavy) but after this i think i’ll take a break and read the books i’ve brought home from the local library, which have been gathering dust in side tables. i wanted to read more in portuguese — it’s time to do that.