
weeknotes, 36/24

this week was little niece’s introduction to kindergarten, and oh boy, did she hate it… she cried herself hoarse every day, and decided the only safe person in the middle of that madness was the teacher, whom she refused to let go of. it’s was a little heartbreaking to follow my brother’s reports. :(

this week was also the mediterranean diet fair, the highlight of the season. we saw concerts, ate nice food, peeked inside churches that are normally closed, bought spices and seeds and just enjoyed the last warm summer nights.

a swiss friend from our “quiet study room” came to portugal and we went birdwatching and visited a few places around tavira! this brings the total of friends i’ve met from this group up to 3 now (which is remarkable, considering they’re all spread out around europe + usa and i’m here in the west corner).

our friends left, and then the parents came towards the end of the week, and brought aaaaall of the farm produce with them! love is a trunk filled with veggies and fruits, grown with love and delivered 600kms away. <3

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