encontramo-nos no parque de estacionamento, de manhã, e esperamos uma pela outra, num acordo implícito e silencioso de companhia até à universidade, porque a meia hora de bicicleta faz-se mais rápido se houver alguém ao nosso lado…
ela desliga o leitor de mp3 para me dar atenção e continua a cantarolar “I’m so in love with yooooou, i’ll be forever bluuuuue”… e instintivamente continuei a música uns 50 metros, quando reparei que, efectivamente, tinha ao meu lado uma italiana a cantar música de um grupo português, em território holandês!
pronto, com o orgulho patriótico um bocadinho maior (que julgo que só se nota durante as competições desportivas e quando emigramos), ambas concordamos que o david fonseca é giro e prosseguimos viagem. :)
tenho pena de não ter ouvido ainda nada do cd novo dele, mas aqui neste recanto sem tv é mais complicado…
Author: ana
about me
photographic challenge
Think of 3 pictures youd like to see. Things around my house or whatever something I can take a picture of easily. Once I have enough requests, Ill start posting them. If I cant or wont take a picture of something youve requested, Ill let you know.
(as seen here. just leave your requests on the comments. :) )
yesterday, in the afternoon, we went to see the world press photo exhibition in the martinikerk, which was great, as one would expect, and it did quite well its job of putting questions on people’s minds.
there’s always something standing out of the crowd which is different from person to person, and the set which caught my attention was this one by david burnett. i was fascinated by the depth of field of the images, at that distance. humans look like little toys… in theory i think i know one way to do it, but in practice, it’s much more difficult…
so we had coffee in the terrace of the v&d building and came home to cook the most international unplanned dinner so far. oh, and in the meantime, we invited people to write some phrases in our wall, like the numbers, hello, thank you, i love you, and so on, on their own language. :) you can imagine how much we laughed trying to pronouce it on russian, vietnamese or arabian and vice-versa…
thanks to rtp taped emissions, we see the evening news from yesterday on our lunch break. feels a little bit more like home when we ear the sound of the beginning, and feels good to actually know more than publico’s front page news.
for instance, the parliament is still pretty empty. i can’t understand this. if that’s the deputee’s job, how dare they not show up? i mean, here we are, cycling half an hour in wind and rain to have a 2 hour class… what are they doing? why can’t they focus on it only?
and the bird flu? market people forbidden to sell live chicken, ducks, etc and the panic of those who have done nothing else all their life. or the dozen dead ducks who showed up dead in a beach in the center of the country and the general media histeria around it…
[ oh! as is wrote this (and was starting to change subject to other ways of knowledge), there was a short sketch on work over the internet and i saw ana, rosa and hilda there :) how nice! ]
anyway, as i was saying, we have been learning a lot more about other countries, which is turning this erasmus experience into something rewarding beyond words. ramadan, for instance, is now a word with a meaning. it means “holy” month, a month without eating or drinking during daylight (at all), a month for the introspection and meditation.
being here makes us search for the countries in the map and attach the stories to the places. romania, syria, vietnam, turkey… and even germany, italy or belgium. what did i know of these places before coming here? and what do i know now?
reading, researching, living in those places for a while, talking, listening, moving, starting it all over again. i think i have a plan. :)
running behind schedule
Great research is wasted unless you can communicate your ideas to others.
The two principal ways researchers do so are by writing papers, and by giving research talks. Nevertheless, many papers and talks, even by well-established researchers, are amazingly poorly presented. There are many simple things that everyone can do to improve talks and papers, regardless of whether you are a natural speaker or a fluent writer.
In these two linked talks, I will try to abstract lessons from my own experience of writing about and presenting research, in the hope that they may be of use to you. I expect that some members of the audience will also be experienced researchers, with good ideas of their own. Nothing would delight me more than to move from presentation into two-way discussion so please come prepared to make your own contribution.
S. Peyton Jones
yesterday we gave an oral presentation on interactive 3d rigid body systems visualization. the subject isn’t all that exciting, but still, it has some interesting key points, and we decided to make the presentation as fun to watch as we could. our 10 minutes of fame went well, i shall say. :) much of this we owe to Mr. Simon Peyton Jones. he wrote a couple of papers on how to give a talk and to write a scientific paper, and gave a delightful talk on haskell subjects in braga, some years ago. on his socks. :)
you can reach the pdf’s here, and get more information about Mr. Jones as well.