in the netherlands

walk this way

some links to share: * kiss by the hotel de ville, by robert doisneau was sold for over 155k euros. even though the kiss was staged, it’s such a beautiful picture. :)
* soduku: fill in the grid so that every row, every column, and every 3×3 box contains the digits 1 through 9. so addicting!
* david fonseca redesigned his web place (let’s wait for more regular updates :P)

and a note on the personal side:
* groningen it is, after a lot of last minute hesitations and confusions… dealing with the lack of protocols isn’t easy and we got our share of funny replies like this one, from leiden: "We do not have a Socrates programme with your department, and we do not like to start one, so I am sorry to tell you, but you’ll have to find another university for your stay abroad." :P go find someplace else, you’re not welcome here!
in the end, we decided to play it safe and stick to the only university who was offering us some decent garanties. meanwhile i used flickr to discover what the city was like. i found lots of photos tagged "groningen" and even some nice people who helped me getting an insight of what it was like living there. here’s an excerpt from an email from folkert’s ( aka designerd) who kindly shared his thoughts about the city with us:
"I can truly congratulate you on your choice to go to Groningen. I might be a bit biased, well a lot actually, but I’ll try to give an accurate idea.
Groningen is a fairly small city (about the sixth biggest in The Netherlands), yet the biggest in the north. It has a very young population, due to the presence of a university and several other educational institutions.
Due to this young population, Groningen has a vivid nightlife: a lot of bars, clubs and venues. And the best part: most of them are open 24/7, which is pretty unique. Most bars in other cities close at 3 in the night.
OK, you are right about the climate. It might not be as great as Portugal’s, but the Groningen summers can be nice and warm, and at times…wet. :-)
Living in Groningen is great. At least, that’s what I think. You have all the pros of living in a city, but if you like you can be in a more rural environment in no time."

sounds great! (and at the same time, it really feels similar to braga…) we’ll get used to it ireally quick! :D


video killed…

voltar à rádio depois de dois ou três anos sabe muito bem. está tudo um bocadinho diferente, há mais computadores, gente nova, mais coisas a acontecerem ao mesmo tempo. mas algumas coisas continuam na mesma. o mesmo cheiro, que nunca percebi bem de onde vinha. da cortiça, do ar condicionado, dos jornais acumulados, da própria cave. alguns sorrisos que me reconheceram (!) e me acolheram, como se tivesse sido ontem, o verão que lá passei. :)

voltar lá com o intuito de dar o meu contributo para a transformação e à (r)evolução que lá se processa, sabe ainda melhor.

geek just life

valha-me são freud

sexta feira é o dia de “stock up”, ou seja, empacotar/downloadar recursos para usar no fim de semana (que é passado a ressacar, sem internet). normalmente, stock photos, brushes para os programas de imagem e tipos de letra, conforme o prato do dia.

no meio dos .zips que desempacotei no sábado, saiu-me (para além de um tipo de letra qualquer), um ficheiro de texto com um nome estranho, que abri (meninos, não façam isto em casa, sem o anti-virus ligado!), cheia de curiosidade.

oh… al berto?

“Doía-me o ombro direito. Uma dor aguda e intermitente. Estremunhado, fui abrir a janela e tive, nesse preciso instante, um pensamento singular: “Esta dor no ombro… vai crescer-me, aqui, uma asa.” Abanei violentamente a cabeça e sorri. Dirigi-me para a casa de banho. De repente, sussurrei comigo mesmo: “Estás a passar-te. Uma asa?”

um pequeno conto, coisa deliciosa… feita à medida das minhas saudades dele. encontrei aqui uma transcrição, para vosso deleite. :P

ps – obrigado à pessoa que decidiu juntar a font com o conto. :) viva o “spam literário”!”

links and ideas

on the news

* meetup is introducing fees in their service.
i don’t really blame them – they had a great idea, and they’re not making the most of it, money-wise. they’ve helped thousands of stay-at-home moms and other enthusiasts with a common passion get offline and share their thoughts, organize riots and actually “make something” out of their ideas. still, they know the risks and what’s at stake here.
personally, i think they’ll loose a big share of their groups. i won’t pay $9 a month (that’s more than what i pay to keep this site) and i won’t make the knitters in my group pay for the monthly meeting! – that’s just absurd! if it’s pay or leave, then it’s leave.

* did you know you can costumize your google news‘s page? instead of britney spears pregnancy, i can generate a page with photography or blog related news. :) neat!

links and ideas


and now, in english” (as heard in a famous answer machine):
* n.a.d.d. (nerd attention deficiency disorder) or a.d.t (attention deficit trait).

if you browse with multiple tabs open and juggle tasks at the same time, you might suffer from it too. i sure do. :| i have several tabs open, plus notepad, secure shell, messenger, skype, feedreader, itunes… and all the mess in my desk too… *sigh*
no wonder i have so much work on the to-do list.
(via ghostboy)