analogue wednesdays

analogue wednesday #180

START HERE, reads frame #0 of R4R-42. i like it!

analogue wednesdays

analogue wednesday #179

one last frame from R4R-77, double-exposed in collaboration with felix (aka felixsurplus).

analogue wednesdays

analogue wednesday #178

remember lilo? twelve years later, he’s still causing mischief and enjoying his retirement in the in-laws.

double-exposure from R4R-77, in collaboration with felix (aka felixsurplus).

analogue wednesdays roll4roll

analogue wednesday #177

a couple of frames from tejo’s power station and bristol at night, double-exposed on R4R-77 with felix.

analogue wednesdays

analogue wednesday #176

same boy, different roll of film. from R4R-77, in collaboration with felix (aka felixsurplus).