links and ideas

can you spot all the ninjas?

samurai is a short animation by three legged legs for general electrics “imagination at work” campaign.
it’s beautiful and so sweet :)

links and ideas

december gloom

i’m glad the month is coming to an end. december somehow lost its aura of enchantment and magic. maybe it’s the looking forward towards the end of january, maybe it’s the looking forward to shanghai, a bit of all i guess. it seems that life is so focused on the future that right now, no events are particularly meaningful, we’re just killing time.

still, a couple of things that caught my attention, these last few days:

* scarlett johansson sings summertime. i love this song, and its successive versions and covers, and plus she’s not at all bad at it.
* the holiday party excuse generator: a cute snowman guides you through the process of chosing what type of excuse you’d like (they have it for all tastes and kinds of party) to avoid that special event you’re so (not) looking forward to.
* i tryied yorkshire pudding for the first time yesterday. apparently, it’s a british classic, but i had never heard of it before. and i must learn how to do it, that was delicious.

links and ideas

yellow alert

since “the season to be jolly” hasn’t been the best of the year, here’s a couple of highlights from the feeds, to break the silence a bit:

* make your own mitten warmers: diy instructions to your rice/lentils cozy warmers. they say the heat should stay up to one hour, which would be perfect for my frozen toes. (via lifehacker)
* books by the greats, covers by you: if you pick your books by the cover, maybe you can consider making your own. i think penguin already has some of the best covers around, but it’s a nice idea.

links and ideas photography postcards postcrossing


today i got home and i had this surprise in my mailbox: a postcard from norway, picturing 6 portraits of young woody allen in new york (1967).
can you imagine the size of my smile?

this is exactly what i was trying to explain.

links and ideas

it’s world toilet day

“Safe water and sanitation are now recognised as human rights but over one billion people do not have access to water and over two and a half billion people are without sanitation. A child dies every 15 seconds from water-related diseases as a result.

World toilet day helps WaterAid mark the fact that 2.6 billion people do not have somewhere safe, private or hygienic to go to the toilet.”

you can help calling awareness to the situation by, for instance, knitting a river or getting involved, if you can. more on wateraid, here.