

Too high, too low
Too young to know
Too high, too low
Too quick, too slow
All my life, all my life

Freedom, freedom
Is this freedom?
Is it freedom?
Because I’ve been searching for that harvest moon
Been searching all my life

perry blake at casa das artes, last month.


you called me after midnight,
must have been three years since we last spoke.
i slowly tried to bring back,
the image of your face
from the memories so old.
i tried so hard to follow,
but didn’t catch the half of what had gone wrong,
said I don’t know what I can save you from.

i asked you to come over,
and within half an hour,
you were at my door
i had never really known you,
but I realized that the one you were before,
had changed into somebody
for whom i wouldn’t mind to put the kettle on.
still I don’t know what I
can save you from.

kings of convenience”

links and ideas music

p for press

thanks to the these cute guys :P i got myself in brg2005, a local electronic music and multimedia art festival. small highlights:
* silverio: check out the photos on his website. the energy, the way he spoke with the micro on his mouth, the jumping on the table. crazy and simultaneously very good :)
* pierre bastien: the metallic contraptions man. jazzy, somewhat spooky, the sounds floating out of the mecanos and the toys. there are some mp3’s on his site as well.
* mathmos: i had heard about it, but those lamps are really amazing. the airswitch is my favourite – the glow is so yummy.
* the location sure was a bonus. braga has a gorgeous stadium, carved out of a granite rock.

in portugal music

musica para os seus cabelos

o convite na porta (nada óbvia, escondida numa rua perpendicular a outra, na qual raramente passo de dia :P ) é simples e atraente:
“se gosta de jazz, entre!”. gosto, pois!
mas não é uma sala de concertos, ou uma escola de música. pasmem os incautos: é um cabeleireiro. aliás, um cabeleireiro e espaço cultural. tem a forma de um corredor: de um lado as cadeiras de lavagem e corte, brancas e restauradas, e do outro, na parede comprida, um espaço de exposição. a ideia é genial: enquanto o pedro corta o cabelo (e não se fala muito, porque a concentração é quase absoluta na mestria impressionante com que gira as tesouras), através do espelho consegue-se ter uma visão da arte atrás. e jazz. como música ambiente e em cima do balcão em formato concerto, num ecrã plano.
ao fundo deste corredor, uma pequena sala de espera, com revistas como a umbigo e a wallpaper, e saída para uma “praça secreta”…
explorem, e mais importante, visitem, e voltem com o cabelo a cheirar a mel ou pêssego.

(obrigado pela visita guiada, padrinho :P)


where’s my quartet?

“it’s hard to explain
i don’t like hanging on to reins in my hands all the time
i’m running out of trails
worn paths don’t lead to where i need to get to everytime
she moves in secret ways
and there is grace and poised perfection when she takes the helm
she moves in secret ways”

polly paulusma. (sometimes i wonder where the hell have i been all this time, why didn’t i find about these songs – the ones i love at first sight listening – earlier…)

tiny note to friends: if you’re waiting to get some sort of reply or notice from me, hang on. i’m busy and clumbsy, but i’ll get to everybody. promise. please, please, be patient.

me, by dani. i have a pair of socks just like that. :)