one second everyday

september 2024 — 1 second everyday

friends, family, fairs and farturas!

just life one second everyday

august 2024 — one second everyday

august had a lot of friends and family in it, but also events and things happening! it feels like the month burst its seams in all the good ways, and recharged our batteries for a long time.

one second everyday

july 2024 — one second everyday

what a beautiful month july was!

we attended street performances in town, saw some concerts and nice movies, tried a new japanese place, saw old friends, went north to spend time with family and baby LJ… the days were filled to the brim!

one second everyday

june 2024 — one second everyday

june was a full month! the parents were here, we met with friends, voted, got a new bike, saw baby niece, celebrated 42, went to lisbon for a week…

one second everyday

may 2024 — one second everyday

may at last!

the month of 2 weddings, one baptism, 2 weeks in the netherlands, one ear-throat infection, house guests… 😅 but also a month of tearing up at newlyweds, of many bike rides, of eating all the vla and meeting old friends, of going back to old haunts and checking out new museums, and a month with a lot of family moments in it. may, you were something else!