in germany just life postcrossing

the pillar box tattoo

so i’ve wanted a tattoo for a while now – i even put it on my last list! the plan was that i would draw something and then tattoo that drawing… but given that my drawing skills didn’t develop all that much in the past years, i asked my friend maria if she wouldn’t mind drawing me one. she did a lovely pillar box, which has taken permanent residence in my upper arm since last summer:

why a pillar box? well, mail is pretty much our life… and pillar boxes are cool, if you ask me! :D

(the other day i dreamt of getting the matching blue one…)

geek postcrossing

the arduino counter

this past christmas, i gave the boy an arduino microcontroller and an lcd keypad shield, which he has been programming into a postcard counter for postcrossing.

i love the simplicity behind the arduino concept, and its flexibility… there are so many things you can do with it – it’s like lego for grown-ups!

an italian friend showed us the beautiful documentary about arduino below, which shows not only arduino’s roots and inspiration, but also the little details – like how it took them one year to make the perfect blue for the board. it only made me like it more! :)

links and ideas postcrossing pretty things

a month of letters

in order to complete the letter-writing part of my 101 list, i’ve decided to join the month of letters challenge this coming february. i’m pretty sure i would have no problem acing it just with postcrossing cards… but i really want to try and write more letters!

i’m planning to send them mostly to friends, but i’m still short on recipients – so if you’d like to be included, just leave a comment below! i’d be happy to send you a letter :)

geek postcrossing

what customer support is all about

(…) The customer who seeks out your help isn’t often looking to deplete your bank account. He is usually seeking validation, support and a path to feeling the way he felt before you let him down.

The best measurement of customer support is whether, after the interaction, the customer would recommend you to a friend. Time on the line, refunds given or the facts of the case are irrelevant. The feelings are all that matter, and changing feelings takes humanity and connection, not cash.” – Seth Godin

in germany postcrossing video

on the news

it’s been a rough week, but we’re trying to keep our cool and see the good side of it. indeed, not all is bad. we recently did an interview for a tv channel here in germany, which was broadcasted yesterday. we’ve managed to dodge the cameras for 7 years (and i don’t think it’s an experience we’re eager to repeat any time soon…) but somehow, i think it turned out ok. :)

you can see it here, for a few more days at least.