in the netherlands

corporate me.

corporate me
after 4 interviews, all more or less positive, i can finally say i have made a decision and i took one of the jobs.
the company is mind-blowing big (the kind of place that comes in postcards, as a city landmark – and i’m not joking!).
i’m scared, i have butterflies in the stomach and i’m happy and excited. all at once.

the “family” here is pretty happy and proud and we celebrated with alheiras and batatas a murro (typically portuguese food) and fried bananas (thai style).

i even got a present! a couple of tiny little fish… so cute! we named them after a not-so-nice italian expression, and then we got our turkish oceanographic biologist in the field to check out wether we can expect babies anytime soon…
“well, it’s complicated to tell”, she explained… and then she stopped and said “hum, wait… one red and one yellow?! that’s galatasaray‘s colors! you have to separate them!” :)

in the netherlands


* no classes anymore, just interviews. the ones i did went pretty well (i was rather pessimistic in the beginning, but as it turns out, people seem to like me and my curriculum). well, two down and 3 to go, i’ll try to keep you posted about how it goes.

* yesterday benfica played (and won) against liverpool and it was a good excuse to gather the portuguese groningen gang on sally’s (and meet some nice new people as well). not much of a game though, but fun to talk in portuguese to more than one people.

* bike without brakes. again. i’m getting used (and good at it as well) to not using the hand brakes and instead, reaching the ground with my feet or efficiently dodging obstacles.

* review of my presentation on student colloquium:

Campos: vivid presentation style, lively intonation, a lot of gesturing + expressive mimics and facial expressions; good to give in-between summaries to let the audience know where they are and questions the audience need to ask themselves /you are going to answer + use of synonyms.

yay! thank you mr. simon peyton jones for the tips!
ps: people always seem to note my facial expressions… am i such an expressive person? :)

foooood in china in the netherlands

mix a little grated nutmeg to look and make delicious.

custard powder.

Engrish is a pejorative or humorous slang term which refers to poor-quality attempts by Japanese writers to create English words and phrases, whether in mistranslation of original Japanese text, or in an attempt to create original text in the English language.
(from wikipedia)

my example is from bangladesh, from a can of custard powder (which made an excellent dessert, by the way).
on the bottom of the same can, there’s another notice, pointing out that breastfeeding is the best for babies. :|

just life

o amor fechou a tasca

would you?

"Estou farto de conversas, farto de compreensões, farto de conveniências de serviço. Nunca vi namorados tão embrutecidos, tão cobardes e comodistas como os de hoje. Incapazes de um gesto largo, de correr o risco, de um rasgo de ousadia, são uma raça de telefoneiros e capangas de cantina, malta do "tá bem, tudo bem", tomadores de bicas, alcançadores de compromissos, bananóides, borra-botas, matadores do romance, romanticidas. Já ninguém se apaixona? Já ninguém aceita a paixão pura, a saudade sem fim, a tristeza, o medo, o desequilíbrio, o custo, o amor, a doença que é como um cancro a comer-nos o coração e que nos canta no peito ao mesmo tempo? O amor é uma coisa, a vida é outra. O amor não é para ser uma ajudinha. Não é para ser o alívio, o repouso, o intervalo, a pancadinha nas costas, a pausa que refresca, o pronto-socorro da tortuosa estrada da vida, o nosso "dá lá um jeitinho" sentimental. Odeio esta mania contemporânea por sopas e descanso."

Miguel de Esteves Cardoso

geek in the netherlands

que sera, sera….

seems like i won’t be the only blogger in amsterdam today…