
weeknotes, 38/24

a week of quietness, all to ourselves. i love having people around all summer, but i also love these buffer weeks — weeks of recharging and doing things at a slower, less intense pace, focusing on ourselves. weeks to read books and sit down to enjoy the mail that has been arriving.

the chinese classes started again this week. the group is a bunch of 20-something year old girls and me, plus the teacher who seems very nice. we’re repeating the same hsk5 book, but since i started already midway through the second semester last year, i still have a lot of stuff to catch up to. hope i can do the exam sometime next year… we’ll see. i hope we don’t reach the end of the year with just me in the class, like last year 😅

i convinced the boy to participate in the “corrida entre pontes” (a 10k race that crosses 2 bridges in tavira) and despite some grumbling about not being in shape, he did it! and of course he did brilliantly, at a speedy 4:12/km pace. afterwards we went for pizza + dessert, and admired these huge, magnificent trees in our neighborhood:

i’m planning to ask the association that owns that house if they’d be cool with me putting a little free library in their front garden. 😍

algarving weeknotes

weeknotes, 37/24

the boy went to faro to pick up his shot and had the 5th dose. this time, they let him bring 2 of them home, instead of one. his eosinophil count is still low, and the only symptoms he has these days are just sneezes and a clogged nose when waking up. hurray!

this week was spent with the parents, eating mom’s food and letting dad fix all the little things that need fixing around the house. when they left on friday, the summer season was officially closed for us. :)

we started watching brooklyn 99, after our friends’ recommended it. we’ve only watched a few episodes so far, but it reminds us of community in its silliness. and i finished reading all systems red, the first of the murderbot diaries. it was short and sweet, and i enjoyed the read. looking forward to getting my hands on the rest of the series.

i rode my bike to cacela while the boy ran all the way there and back. the path is a little dodgy with loose gravel, but the view is still the best this side of algarve!


weeknotes, 36/24

this week was little niece’s introduction to kindergarten, and oh boy, did she hate it… she cried herself hoarse every day, and decided the only safe person in the middle of that madness was the teacher, whom she refused to let go of. it’s was a little heartbreaking to follow my brother’s reports. :(

this week was also the mediterranean diet fair, the highlight of the season. we saw concerts, ate nice food, peeked inside churches that are normally closed, bought spices and seeds and just enjoyed the last warm summer nights.

a swiss friend from our “quiet study room” came to portugal and we went birdwatching and visited a few places around tavira! this brings the total of friends i’ve met from this group up to 3 now (which is remarkable, considering they’re all spread out around europe + usa and i’m here in the west corner).

our friends left, and then the parents came towards the end of the week, and brought aaaaall of the farm produce with them! love is a trunk filled with veggies and fruits, grown with love and delivered 600kms away. <3

just life one second everyday

august 2024 — one second everyday

august had a lot of friends and family in it, but also events and things happening! it feels like the month burst its seams in all the good ways, and recharged our batteries for a long time.


weeknotes, 35/24

the big thing this week was that, in addition to our friends and their dogs, we also had my brother, his wife and baby LJ in the house! 😅 they needed a place to stay while taking care of other family stuff in faro, and prices in algarve are predictably off the roof during summer… so they ended up staying with us for a few days.

baby niece is still her delightful self, now with the addition of a few gimmicks that she’s been learning, like the sound a few animals make, where her tongue and nose are, how to say she’s had enough food… and paulo’s name! the boy has been so consistent trying to teach her his name, that she suddenly started saying it — well, a version of it that sounds like “pau-ummmmm”. it’s adorable!

i’ve also finished a few books here and there, a mix of things. i enjoyed the thursday murder club (about a group people in a nursing home that solve murders!), contos da montanha (the vocabulary is beautiful, the words just straight out of my grandma’s kitchen), all creatures great and small and a thousand splendid suns. this last one, about the lives of 2 women in afghanistan in the years since the revolution, was a punch in the gut, every page filled with heartbreak… i’m not sure how i managed to finish it, but i definitely needed some lighter literature after that.