Tag: art
to mr cheng
a cool project that tests the limits of postal workers’ patience, one strange object at a time.
check the interview with the artist on wired magazine for some more insight on the project. a small preview:
Wired.com: You have previously published books of letters, for example one where you sent letters with odd ideas to authorities, like asking a Swedish municipality if it could host a North American Indian tribe. Why are you so fascinated by letters?
Ericson: Sending things is a fun way to communicate, and I love the seriousness in letters. I mean, you would never receive a lawsuit by e-mail. There is something about letters, especially nowadays when they are getting more and more rare, and we’re communicating in other ways instead.
a visit to the shanghai museum
in a sort of new year resolution, we decided to make an effort to visit a “touristy” destination in shanghai every week or so, to get to know the city a bit better.
this week we went to the shanghai museum. you can learn about all sorts of art-related aspects of chinese culture in there, and there’s enough of it to keep you entertained for hours – a clear overdose of information to our jetlagged minds. anyway, here are some pictures:
all in all, this would have been better if we were less tired – or had a special interest in any sort of ancient art.
still, there are some lovely pieces in there, and the entrance is free, so if you fancy stuff like calligraphy, chinese paintings, currency, bronze works, sculpture, ceramics, chinese furniture, jade carving, etc. give it a go!

can the queen be put to a better use?, asks graphic designer and illustrator jamie wieck. well, apparently the answer is yes – he build a set of really cute cards where the queen stamp plays an important (and original) role.
here’s what he has to say:
“Something unique about British culture is the annual sit down after a bloating Christmas lunch to watch the Queen deliver her seasonal message on TV. Well I that, and to watch somebody die/get married/get-married-then-die on Eastenders.
Inspired by this image of annual togetherness I created a Christmas card that needed the Queen herself to complete the image – after all Christmas wouldn’t be Christmas without the Queen.
But for the anti-royalists amongst you I figured it was only fair that the Queen should get a comeuppance of sorts…”
check out his website for lots of other good questions.
(via oh joy!)
eyes on the walls.
on the follow-up of the previous post:
* i remember reading an(other) interview at lecool about amsterdam based artist laser 3.14 (pi), who writes sentences in containers and other temporary surfaces. i spotted a few phrases when i was there – he’s hard to miss if you get a bit away of the main streets. take a look at his huge gallery.
* which on second thoughts, remembers me of the “wall poems” in leiden.
hipolito, l’écrivain raté from amélie‘s movie should have gone to the netherlands. they would have understood him. :)