analogue wednesdays

analogue wednesday #236

pool jumping with cousins

pool jumping with cousins

pool shenanigans with small cousins.

analogue wednesdays in portugal

analogue wednesday #207

so, as i was saying, the best part of the vindima is this:

grandma’s fried codfish! :D it’s a hearty breakfast and everyone loves it, from kids to grown-ups. my job is usually to take the breakfast to the people harvesting the wine, and when i get there with my basket there’s always smiles and happiness all around! :)

analogue wednesdays in portugal

analogue wednesday #206

september is vindima (or grape harvesting) season in the north. we missed it this year, but here are some photos from my parent’s harvest last year, shot with the boy’s canon ae-1.

it’s a big day for the family, with everyone coming together to help. the best part of it though? i’ll show you next wednesday! :)

just life

kids drawings

my cousin francisco turned 6 this year and will start primary school next month. although he lives in a small place, he had a really great pre-school that took the kids on lots of adventures, and they had a tradition of documenting everything in drawing. at the end of the year, he brought home all his masterpieces. i love them!

my favorite bits are the weekend drawings, in which they explain what they did the previous weekend, like helping his mom kill some chickens. you can tell he’s not from a city! :D

analogue wednesdays

analogue wednesday #193

a couple of snaps of dani, one of my most loyal blog readers, who always complains when i backdate posts! :D