analogue wednesdays in iceland

analogue wednesday #72

Hiking between Hellnar and Arnarstapi

Hiking between Hellnar and Arnarstapi

Hiking between Hellnar and Arnarstapi

freezing our fingers and toes hiking between hellnar and arnarstapi, but it was well worth it for all the lava fields, covered in fluffy moss!

analogue wednesdays in iceland

analogue wednesday #71

anastarpi beach, in snaefellsnes

anastarpi beach, in snaefellsnes

balancing our feet on the big round stones of arnastarpi beach, in snaefellsnes.

analogue wednesdays in iceland

analogue wednesday #70

Icelandic horses

Icelandic horses

Icelandic horses

Icelandic horses

analogue wednesdays in portugal

analogue wednesday #66

on a clear day…

… you can see forever.

analogue wednesdays

analogue wednesday #65

cat on roof

dog on roof

i see a trend!