links and ideas

we cannot not change the world.

“We cannot not change the world. Isn’t that odd?

We are used to believing the opposite, that we cannot change the world, being the humble individuals we are. However, we either reinforce or change the way things are around us with every little thing we do. We establish and change the social world we live in every day. We call that social design.

We as people cannot escape acting in relation to other people. Even if we choose to live alone on a deserted island, that is design of our social reality. The social world is created as a result of the dynamics of all our individual actions.
We cannot not be social. We cannot not design. We cannot not change the world.”

from the social design site.

social design site is a place filled with projects that sparkle curiosity and deserve our attention, for one reason or another. they are catalogued as intriguing, web, cultural or art based, related to social philosophies, social experiment, systems for living or modern artifacts. they make us reflect on our surroundings, on the way people connect with each other and with the world.

and now, postcrossing is there too, side by side with names like treehugger, we are what we do, free hugs or miniature earth. and that makes me really proud. :)



to distract myself from the excitement/anxiety of the trip, i’ve finished the template i’d started some time ago. (if you’re reading this through the feeds, you might want to have a look at it, here).
it’s simple and stripey. the stripes are from the previous version of meiadeleite – many people confessed they missed them and i did too.

and now, on to the bigger adventures. take care!

links and ideas

links avulso

a espreitar, em português:
* a edição de hoje do público, em pdf.

* o vamos brincar, um blogue feito por mães conhecidas, cheio de surpresas e dicas para passar o tempo com os mais pequenos.

* BragaFreecycle: numa descrição curta, é um grupo para quem vive em braga e arredores, e está interessado em oferecer ou trocar artigos que tem em casa, e que de outro modo vão parar ao lixo. mais detalhes ficam para um post maior.

just life links and ideas

floating like a cannonball

i feel like i haven’t been such a good blogger, lately.
all the exams, the overwhelming happiness of having p. around again and the re-adjusting to him actually being here, on this timezone. i think to myself all the time: “we made it”. yes, we did. all these months apart, we’ve more or less patiently hanged on to each other and now, well, i guess we’re sort-of emotionally recovering and packing for the next adventure. together.
which is why i need to get blogging again – i don’t want to miss on the details, one day.

other things i’ve been meaning to blog about:
* my wists. i found wists through rosa, and i liked the concept very much: a universal wishlist, that tracks all the pretty things you love. it saves a link to that webpage and you chose a photo of the product to go with it, so that you can show the item to other people. it’s simple and very nicely done.
* contagious magazine (in pdf), the most contagious ideas of 2006.


entretantos is changing template and managing system in a few days, and i’ve been working on that lately, along with writing the thesis and finally wrapping up the whole internship.

hence the lack of posts here, though i still update the currently column everyday :)

just thought i’d say “hi! i’m still alive”.
stand by and take care :)