links and ideas

to read

2 sites that quickly become addictive:
750 words (via joaon): if you ever read julia cameron’s the artist’s way, you know one of the first things she tells you to do is to write everyday, first thing in the morning. she calls the assignment ‘the morning pages’. the 750 words site aims to help you write these daily pages, by providing a simple place where you can write this text. very easy and surprisingly efficient, and with cute bonuses (without going overboard). (via berlinde): ever stopped at the end of a big bang theory episode you were watching to read the always different vanity card? they’re all there! :)

foooood links and ideas

sugar stacks

i don’t know if the rest of the world has already seen this, but i’ve just stumbled on the most brilliant website, and it’s making me rethink the way i look at food (especially sodas).

it’s called sugar stacks, and what it does is basically show you how much sugar the food portrayed has, using stacks of white sugar cubes (4g). like so:

1 serving of carrots: 4g of sugar

can of cola: 39g of sugar
small bottle: 65g of sugar
1L bottle: 108g of sugar

starbucks mocha frappuccino + cream: 47g of sugar

jell-o, 1 serving: 19g of sugar

of course, not all sugar is created equal, but still it gives you a very different perspective on the things you’re eating. i mean, i’d never put that much sugar in my tea/coffee, so i’ll definitely think twice next time i reach for a cola in the office… many more at