
it’s nice here… but have you ever been to Baden-Württemberg?

have you ever seen one of these stickers?

i had never even heard of baden-württemberg before i started noticing these oval stickers eeeeeeverywhere around the world… first in thailand, then here in portugal, then in france and germany… they’re all over the place and their yellow oval shape really sticks out. it’s become kind of game for us, to see who is the first person to spot one in a touristy place!

whoever came up with this marketing campaign for the region was probably a genius. either that or Baden-Württemberg has the fiercest fans, and they want to make their region very famous!

foooood in china postcards pretty things

small obsessions

stationery sets

lately, i’ve been obsessing over stationery. all kinds of small envelopes, writing tools, letter sets, stickers, postcards… i love them, i just can’t stop myself! i found a nice shop on fuzhou road called keyroad (very close to dunkin’ donuts) that is filled with korean goodness, and well, disaster ensued. some of the stuff in the picture is actually for a swap but the rest is just sitting here, waiting for an excuse to write a letter :)

speaking of recent korean discoveries, when browsing for video podcasts on itunes store, i found maangchi who makes cooking traditional korean food look fun! in small funny episodes, she will make you a master of kimchi or bibimbap. i can’t wait to try the egg side dishes, simple and yummy!


the only upgrade this mac is getting…

… is more stickers! :D


click on the image for an overload of notes on flickr. oh, and do you have stickers to trade? let me know! :)

(previous version, a couple of months ago.)