in portugal


with sore muscles and a smile on my face, i return home to braga, with a couple of things in mind. one of them is to make room for someone who’ll come and sleep in my room, and basically live where i have been living for the most of these 4 years. i thought it would be easier – it isn’t. i’m not an organized person, everything gets cluttered in shelves and around my desk. also, to make things worse, i have a huge attachment to lots of little things, and can’t seem to get rid of them. even things like newspapers and magazines – i have tons of them, but keep thinking “someday i’ll cut them into scraps and make something nice, or maybe i’ll need them to wrap something :) “… when i grow up, i’ll have a huge house, with a huge basement and a bigger attic… by the way, here are some pics of my new place.

i’ll be in the algarve till the end of the month, then back to braga for packing the rest of the stuff, and then will start to be written 2200 km above this place. in the meanwhile, you can still reach me here. (i may take a while to answer, though…)
take care!

ps – and my new minolta has arrived! yay! :D

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