in the netherlands photography


yesterday, in the afternoon, we went to see the world press photo exhibition in the martinikerk, which was great, as one would expect, and it did quite well its job of putting questions on people’s minds.
there’s always something standing out of the crowd which is different from person to person, and the set which caught my attention was this one by david burnett. i was fascinated by the depth of field of the images, at that distance. humans look like little toys… in theory i think i know one way to do it, but in practice, it’s much more difficult…

so we had coffee in the terrace of the v&d building and came home to cook the most international unplanned dinner so far. oh, and in the meantime, we invited people to write some phrases in our wall, like the numbers, hello, thank you, i love you, and so on, on their own language. :) you can imagine how much we laughed trying to pronouce it on russian, vietnamese or arabian and vice-versa…


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