in the netherlands

white polycarbonate mishap.

01. life’s a little bit on hold, as we start studying for exams, and i pursue my job hunt. it’s not going too bad, i guess, but the anxiety of waiting for answers makes me a little bit nervous. that and waking up with drunk people fighting, wasted bodies running and screaming in spanish on the corridor, close to my door. that’s how i woke up today. i got restless, i felt like going there and making them shut up but i didn’t. i stood there in bed, paralyzed, hands on my ears, waiting for it all to end.
anyway, the good spirits in the corridor make up for the eventual dawn mess. l., one of our floor-mates, is getting married next year, in may, and we’re all invited. she’s overwhelmed with it, and i’m happy she’s happy. this stories resembles a little the "l’auberge espagnol" / "les poupées russes", doesn’t it? the wedding is in china, actually, and if all works as planned, we’ll meet in shangai in a year and a few months. great! :) i’m really looking forward to it!

02. for all of you who ever wondered if this rum i’m always talking about is any good, you can now listen to it here, via livestreaming. give it a try. me and levi lost most of our music last week, which we had on his 80gb external drive, plus some pictures (nothing we didn’t have on film or backup, so no biiiig deal), but still, it didn’t feel good. now we rely on portuguese radios and podcasts more.

03. i’m in love with freitag bags – they’re everywhere here. colorful bags, made of lorries canvas. recycled urban freeways. perfect for the bikes.

04. we had a portuguese dinner on monday (9 portuguese people in groningen – can you believe that?) filled with good food, super bock and moscatel, vinho do porto and lots humour in our own language. oh! and a mad mad idea of returning home (in portugal, that is) by bike. 2200km! maybe it was the wine working… i think we’re all crazy, but if we get the sponsors, i’m on it :D (and yes, we know about the euromillions jackpot…let’s hope that works!)

05. thanks joão, for all the steve jobs’ zen. i can never have enough. :)

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