on a quaint cemetery in the outskirts of huelva, there’s a perfectly normal stone grave, with an interesting story hidden behind. we did a pit stop there on our way back from córdoba to learn about major william martin…
… a man who actually did not “exist”, and yet changed the course of the second world war. tom does a better job at explaining the story than i ever could:
sometimes, history happens in unexpected places.
more from this series.
3 replies on “walking on history, X: operation mincemeat”
Como é que descobriram isto?
Que história tão fixe!
@Sílvia acho que foi através deste video no canal do tom, que costumamos ver à hora de almoço, em rotação com o brainscoop, the school of life, veritassium… ou o homem que mordeu o cão! :)
Que maravilha! :)