forgot to write last week, but there’s been much going on!
– 2 hikes in 2 weeks! we went around the seven hanging valleys to finally see the benagil cave from above. it was a nice walk, with lots of pit caves poking the limestone karst landscape. the second walk was an 18km trail around the countryside in bensafrim, as part of the walk&art fest. the countryside hills are always more demanding and less fun than the coast, but it was still a nice walk.
– in the first walk, i went to the bathroom midway through the hike in some random beach café, and left my phone there. fast forward to an hour later, when i suddenly couldn’t find my phone. we walked back and it was still there! :D pfeeew!
– spent a day in sagres, soaking in the good food, catching the sunset and resting our muscles after the long hike. we love sagres for the birdwatching potential (we saw northern gannets and griffon vultures this time), but also for the mix of hippie and old school that coexist in its streets and bring a different kind of vibe to the place.
– over 2 years after the last time we entered a cinema, we finally went again and saw dune! i really enjoyed the movie, and hope to read the book at some point.
– boardgame nights return! :D we played kill doctor lucky with friends, and it was nice to have them over after so long. i hope to see many more of these game nights in the horizon.
1 reply on “weeknotes 43-44/21”
também fomos ao cinema após quase dois anos e vimos… o dune!
e voltei aqui.