just life

2022 in books

2022 finally saw me reading a bit more again, and i’m glad for that! here’s a book montage of my reads, courtesy of goodreads:

i visited the local library a few times, and did my best to keep things interesting and always have a few different books around in case i got tired of what i was reading. and as a result, my reading was all over the place: there’s children’s books and graphic novels, sci-fi and romance, historical stuff, a memoir, a couple of productivity-themed books… even an encyclopedia about a particular mummy! about half were digital books (either kindle downloads or audiobooks) and the other half i read as physical books, mostly from the library, but also a few that were gifted to me, and one that i found on the trash!

i’m not going to give myself pressure to keep up this rhythm in 2023, but i’m happy this is how last year turned out. onwards!

4 replies on “2022 in books”

eu gostei! especialmente o facto de se focar no quão limitado é o nosso tempo e de por isso não termos nunca tempo para fazer tudo… pelo que é melhor focarmo-nos nas coisas realmente importantes e esquecer o resto. acho que muitos livros do género tendem a saltar logo para estratégias de “como fazer tudo” e não tanto sobre se devemos realmente fazer tudo aquilo que pomos nas nossas to-do lists.

I see you’ve been reading a lot of Mary Robinette Kowal; I’ve discovered this author a couple of years ago and love her too! I hope you’ll continue the Lady Astronaut series with “The Relentless Moon”, it’s a bit different (different narrator) than the others but I simply loved it even more, it’s absolutely gripping. I recommend it in audiobook form as the author narrates her own books and she’s very, very good at it, especially in the most emotional moments. Also her last book that came out last year, The Spare Man, is quite interesting, although more “pure entertainment” – a murder mystery in a space cruise ship :)

@Nathalie yaaaaay! i started reading them because you mentioned them (maybe on your blog, or maybe on twitter?) and my friend nicky as well, so i thought, two friends like them, they must be good! and i really enjoyed her books so far, so i’m happy to hear there are new ones for me to catch up on! :D

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