one second everyday

weeknotes, 23/24

the parents stayed with us this week! they went to the beach, cooked lots of peas and broad beans that they brought south, read kids books that we’ve been stocking for niece LJ, and we ordered a box of delicious figs to share among us.

they also brought their saw, so that we could prune our unruly olive tree. we gave it a good cut underneath, and it’s looking quite dashing now — perfect to read in its shade!

this weekend, our little ecological association participated in a local fair selling carnations to the fair visitors! i enjoyed talking to people — and the stand next to ours was from almargem, another local association that is responsible for organizing the region’s birdwatching festival, in october. we had a lot of fun geeking out with the 2 people staffing their stand, who were birdwatchers themselves and had brought a scope to the fair! plus, i sold a few carnation plants — we’re on a mission to turn tavira into “carnation town”.

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