
weeknotes, 4/25

another good, full week of recharging and catching up. there was a lot of review and planning for work, a lot of rain outside… but not much else, which suits me at the moment. wintering is in full swing around here!

for christmas, my brother gave me this “egg storage thinguie” that he 3d printed, and it’s brilliant! it holds lots of eggs and saves space on the fridge. knowing someone with a 3d printer is the best of both worlds. he also 3d printed these bookmarks, which i find really pretty:

i don’t know if you can tell, but the colors are printed in layers, so there’s texture to them:

i love them so much! i feel like reading a paper book for a change, just to have a chance of using them.

this week, we cooked this squash and tofu dish that was featured on the to vegetables, with love newsletter and it was very tasty! i also got the ingredients for the addictive cabbage they mention. next week is chinese new year, and so we went to the chinese supermarket in albufeira and got lots of nice things! i’m excited for the feast ahead, but also for a chance to re-start the year at home, mindfully.

last year, we noticed we were having pizza a bit too often, so we started a new rule: we only have pizza once every 2 weeks. we were due one this week, but then noticed our local pizza place was closed for holidays… so we decided to go to town for it, and then noticed we did the exact same thing last year, on the same day! so we’ve started a new tradition: january 21 is pizza-in-town day. :D their pizzas are actually not bad, and they dust some kind of cornmeal on the crust that makes it extra crunchy. nice!

one last thing about food: at the moment, our raised bed does not have the same exuberance of january 2024, but we still have plenty of chard, lettuce and radishes — including these funky ones! aren’t they gorgeous?

paulo sent me a link to this talk about the aging programmer, and i saw myself in a lot of what is being said in it. i believe in planning ahead, and there’s a lot of good advice there — even for those of us who are not strictly programmers.

we watched ainda aqui estou (i’m still here) at the cinema, and it was a punch in the gut — especially looking at our current politics and imagining where things might be headed. how quickly humans forget history. :(

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