chinese new year! i always feel excited for CNY — it feels like we’re being given a second chance to start the year again, after the dreadfulness of january. and this year we even did a special lunar new year theme for postcrossing, illustrated by our friend shao-hua! :) at home, we had 2 chinese dinners with some of our favourite staples.
after some frustration with my old treadmill, i upgraded it to a more expensive lifespan model. it comes with a fan to cool down the motor, and it’s built to walk for several hours in a row. the walking goes smoothly and the treadmill has a couple of nice features, like stopping automatically when you step off it, and resuming the last speed you were on. i’m pretty happy with the upgrade!
the week was rather fragmented otherwise. i took off the stitches from the surgery‘s suture (which looks fine) and got some new drops for my right eye, which is still giving me a bit of trouble. there’s a new art hub in town, and i signed up for their art classes once a week. and we tried out an advance review copy of the postcards board game with friends, which was pretty cool!
the game is beautiful, with many small pieces (which i like). it’s not that straightforward to figure out the best strategy to win, which makes it more interesting. and it has postcards, stamps, bicycles and trinket souvenirs! i think this is going to become a favorite in our future game nights. :)
1 reply on “weeknotes, 5/25”
ooh what recipes did you use for the CNY food?