brother’s wedding (+ niece’s baptism), at last!
i got sick at some point during the week, and spent the whole wedding with a sore throat and a clogged ear, pumped with ibuprofen and paracetamol. it didn’t stop me though! it was a nice ceremony, and an even nicer party afterwards. we saw friends and family, talked to lots of different people, ate quite a bit and were happy! i forgot to take pictures, but here’s one our friends took of our little friend group + my brother:
during the wedding, i sneakily asked the guest to write postcards to the newlyweds with well-wishes, or to share a memory of the day or something they did together. over 40 people wrote a postcard, and a few children drew something too! i plan to send these postcards to my brother and his wife throughout the year, and i hope they’ll enjoy this extension of the wedding!
one of the guests of the wedding couldn’t make it, but had a non-refundable booking for a room in aveiro, which they gave to us. as a result, we unexpectedly spent one night in a 5-star hotel, being very pampered! the hotel was all about eça de queirós: there was a reading room with his books and some artifacts, the rooms were named after characters from his books, and there was even a vhils mural of his photo on the patio!
i confess i would have enjoyed it more if i wasn’t feeling so sick. after checking out, we headed to the emergency room, where i was diagnosed with a throat/ear infection and given some antibiotics.
1 reply on “weeknotes 18/24”
I’m sorry you were feeling poorly, but you both look amazing!