blargh… what a week. every single time we meet the little niece, i return home with some sickness and this time was no exception. :( i’m doing a course of antibiotics and did the bare minimum all week, skipping classes and just napping a lot.
because of all the downtime, i ended up finishing some books: system collapse, on tyranny and best christmas book ever. i listened to “on tyranny” (a required read for the times we’re going through), but audio felt like the wrong format for it — i think i need to actually read the book, highlight passages, mark stuff i want to think about… and audiobooks are not great for that. so, something to read again in the future.
richard scarry’s book was a delightful throwback to my childhood. my mom used to work at a children’s hospital when i was small, and borrowed lots of books from the hospital’s library for us to read. scarry’s books were some of our absolute favorites (all the details!), and i’ve mentioned them so many times that paulo gave me one for christmas. <3
my new laptop came with a free 3-month apple tv subscription, so we’ve been using it to watch severance. i like the premise and the aesthetics of it, and also how the music feels so fitting to the ambiance. i’m enjoying it for now.
somehow, we mustered the energy to drive to olhão and see miguel araújo play, which is always a happy event. i couldn’t sing much on account of all the coughing, but it was still nice to make it there and use these tickets we’d bought so long ago.
the good news is that time and medication are doing their thing and i’m feeling better. i’m hoping for a productive week ahead, getting ALL THE THINGS done!