analogue wednesdays birdwatching

analogue wednesday #271

these days, our eyes instantly go to anything flying overhead, to wires and tree branches, towards any sound we vaguely recognise. birds are everywhere, once you learn to see and hear them!

just life weeknotes

weeknotes 35/21

– the parents are here for a few days, spoiling us with their fresh produce and cooking skills! :D

– been listening to SW945 as background noise when i’m working. the sounds of craig‘s walks in japan are a soothing company — my favourites 15mins are the roadside dinner (the background music is permanently stuck in my head) and the rain on his tent.

– clouds that looks like feathers!

– got myself a cheap treadmill to put under my desk and walk while i work, which is something i’ve been wanting to do for a while now. i’m still getting used to the slow walking pace, but so far so good. it’s funny how the hands type and the mind thinks, all the while the legs just do their own thing. i’ll report back on it in some time.

– i’ve finished watching falling into your smile, another e-sports-themed c-drama. i don’t know why i like e-sports dramas so much, but by now i could probably play league of legends, from having watched so many people play it in tv shows. 😅

analogue wednesdays

analogue wednesday #270

cooling down the feet after a long walk.

just life weeknotes

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another quiet week over here. i feel very much overwhelmed by the amount of things that still need to get done at work, but i’m also terrible at delegating… so here we are, in a perpetual state of mild distress. it’s nothing new, and i deal with it the best i can, but it still feels unsettling to not have a grip on what i want to get done.

in other news:

– really enjoying the second-hand camera our friends gifted us. i haven’t learned half of what it can do yet, and already i can get decent shots of the black-winged stilts that cry like loud squeaky toys whenever we get too close.

– speaking of birds, we’ve become the kind of people who can immediately spot something moving in our peripheral vision and, more often than not, know what bird it is. i’m not sure how this happened, but it feels like a super power!

– yesterday we were driving to a farm to grab a “too good to go” basket and thinking about the last time we had eaten meat… and we couldn’t remember when it was. our eating habits have changed over the last few months. these days, we often eat just once per day, and meat is more of a “special occasions” kind of thing. feels right to me.

– because of samuel west, we started watching all creatures great and small, and it’s been a welcome break from youtube. i hope one day we’ll be able to walk those green pastures of the british countryside.

analogue wednesdays

analogue wednesday #269

underneath the train tracks.