geek in the netherlands


at first it was the network cable tip, that levi saw, suspiciously dangling from ours hallway ceiling. we pulled it, and sat with our laptops on the corridor floor, happily enjoying our discovery. turns out we weren’t supposed to use that connection, as it was our student’s manager private adsl… (of course we didn’t know that…)

and then a couple of days ago the lights went out in the first’s floor kitchen (they have an enormous amount of electric stuff plugged…) and when trying to find the place to turn it back on, someone found a router and switches and cables in a strange small room… and of course, you can guess the rest. now there’s 4 of us, sitting in the floor of a overheated tiny room, sharing wireless, hoping that none of the students managers walks by… :)

“mitras”, we say in portuguese.
“sneaky little bastards”, the manager would say. :P



this is the first entry i write from the ibook, as i finally switched from a pc to a mac, which i’ve been meaning to do ever since he did, a couple of years ago.
they’re beautiful, clean and efficient. :)

‘nough said.”



quick update, just to say "hello! i’m still around!". i really don’t like leaving meiadeleite without regular updates, but right now i’m having trouble keeping up with normal life + all the stuff i got myself into.
here’s a bit of the stuff i’ve been working on:
* templates: marta’s and hi tech.
* newsletters: june’s urban movements (rum + maus hábitos) and another one for rum com jazz.

lots of other stuff coming up, webstuff mainly. and… i’m getting the cutest notebook around (at least if you ask me)!

trying hard not to become a total geek. tough job.

geek links and ideas music

pure addiction

yesterday i went to our local student academic bar (called BA around here) where RUM was throwing a party to celebrate their new spring/sumer grid. the postcards i finished the day before were everywhere! what a relieve to see that the colours were actually correctly printed and that everything came out readable and smooth! no time for testing that kind of thing, so i was really nervous about it.
besides that, it was a weird funky feeling.
i don’t remember anything i did to be handed like this to people, in such quantities or place. and it’s funny to sit back and watch people’s reactions to it: some keep it inside their purses (nice!), some just don’t care, others use it as something to put their drinks on.

(click on the image for the larger version)
ps – sometimes i honestly wonder if i can get an happiness overdose or something like that.
ps2 – the bottle in the middle was drawn over a stock photo image, with a friends’ wacom graphire tablet. i’m going to ask my parents for one of those on my bday :P

geek just life

valha-me são freud

sexta feira é o dia de “stock up”, ou seja, empacotar/downloadar recursos para usar no fim de semana (que é passado a ressacar, sem internet). normalmente, stock photos, brushes para os programas de imagem e tipos de letra, conforme o prato do dia.

no meio dos .zips que desempacotei no sábado, saiu-me (para além de um tipo de letra qualquer), um ficheiro de texto com um nome estranho, que abri (meninos, não façam isto em casa, sem o anti-virus ligado!), cheia de curiosidade.

oh… al berto?

“Doía-me o ombro direito. Uma dor aguda e intermitente. Estremunhado, fui abrir a janela e tive, nesse preciso instante, um pensamento singular: “Esta dor no ombro… vai crescer-me, aqui, uma asa.” Abanei violentamente a cabeça e sorri. Dirigi-me para a casa de banho. De repente, sussurrei comigo mesmo: “Estás a passar-te. Uma asa?”

um pequeno conto, coisa deliciosa… feita à medida das minhas saudades dele. encontrei aqui uma transcrição, para vosso deleite. :P

ps – obrigado à pessoa que decidiu juntar a font com o conto. :) viva o “spam literário”!”