geek links and ideas

Find your voice

Marketing (in all its forms) is unlike everything else an organization does, because it’s always different. There’s no manual because everyone does it differently, and what successful marketers have in common is that they are successful.

The only way your organization is going to make an impact is to market in the way only you can. Not by following some expert’s rules or following the herd, but by doing it in the way that works. For you. Don’t worry about someone else’s invented standards for new media, invent your own. Avoid obvious mistakes, don’t follow obvious successes.

Find your voice, don’t copy someone else’s.

Seth Godin, spot on as usual.

geek in china links and ideas

i havent noticed any results in the past 2 weeks…

there’s a new shop on dongxin road that sells make-up plus a panoply of useless yet very entertaining items. while inspecting them, i stumbled upon a few samples from the body shop, and bought a couple of them: coconut and mango body butter. it’s sooo hard to resist their scents and lovely packaging… *sigh*

when i got home, i checked their reviews on amazon (geeks shall be geeks after all). very moisturizing, smells divine, blablabla and then this:

I am a huge fan of the Body Shop and I absolutely *love* coconut, so I was really excited to try their new Coconut Body Butter. I was very disappointed, however, when I actually started using it. It claims to help your skin, but I’ve eaten it every single morning on my bagel and haven’t noticed any results for the past two weeks. Furthermore, it doesn’t taste very good. It smells fantastic, which is why I gave it 2 stars, but the taste isn’t as creamy or sweet as I would expect from a coconut butter.

I’m also disappointed that there is no nutritional information. It seems very high in fat, but I can only guess. I hope it’s not clogging my arteries.

i really hope so too! :D


new theme

i was getting a bit fed up of the clutterness of the previous theme… so today i whipped up a new one this afternoon. it’s simple and fits the current mood.

let me know if something is out of place :)

geek links and ideas

a tale of linguine (and startups)

roasted pumpkin pasta

i stumbled upon a brilliant comparison between cooking pasta and launching a startup a while ago, and it’s been on my mind since then. here it is:

How do you cook linguine? Yesterday, I made linguine. I cooked the pasta while my wife made a delicious lemon basil sauce. After about eight minutes, I tasted the linguine to see if it was done. It wasn’t, so I cooked it for a couple more minutes. Now some people don’t taste pasta to see when it is done. Some people throw it all around the kitchen to see if it sticks on the walls. That seems odd to me. The point of cooking pasta is to make it edible, not sticky.

Attitudes about starting companies, especially web companies, are not unlike methods of cooking linguine. Some people think that you “throw something out there” and see if it sticks. If it sticks, it’s done and you’ve cooked up a startup success. Figuratively speaking, there are a lot of awful-tasking starchy strands of uncooked linguine sticking all over the web.

The best way to get a startup right is to cook it for a reasonable amount of time and then taste it to see if it’s done.

All metaphors break down if you push them too far. So I’m not going to keep stirring the pot here. Startups that make news and make people happy are cooked to taste. The founders are personally interested in the product. They don’t throw the idea out to see if it sticks (i.e. see if millions of people happen to think it’s done). Founders of successful startups know that if it tastes good, people are going to like it.

Here’s a lesson learned. Entrepreneurs need to learn how to cook.

these days of instant startups, it seems to be all about “sticking”, and much less about doing something remarkable, or being the best at something.

sigh. fatigue 2.0, anyone?


moving and shaking

meiadeleite is switching to a new server over the weekend. “things might get a little shaky for a couple of days”, my systems administrator tells me. (i forgive him because he’s cute).

see you all on the other side!