foooood in morocco

happy alvaro caramel

we were back in morocco last october and visited a much larger carrefour, where i had fun perusing the aisles for more products-named-after-people to continue my collection. here are the latest finds:

truth be told, i don’t know if these are actually moroccan or maybe spanish or french brands… but i found them pretty entertaining nonetheless. :D here’s one that it not strictly a name, but pretty funny for us portuguese to see a butter named after a national poet:

aaaaand, last but not least, the ubiquitous vache qui rit…

… family size!

in morocco in spain one second everyday traveling

one second everyday — october 2017

october was… eventful.

as soon as the month started, we jumped to morocco for some days of hiking in the atlas. at home, we worked, watched some concerts, attended the local “dev day” and tried to make friends with william, the neighbourhood’s black cat. towards the end of the month, we spent a week exploring córdoba, an unexpectedly nice surprise.

foooood in morocco

sergio aux noisettes

what is it with moroccans and naming products after people?


foooood in morocco


we ate a lot of tagine and couscous in morocco, but what really stood out for me was a dish called pastilla… which according to wikipedia, it’s actually an andalusian meat pie that migrated to north africa, and became popular there.

pastilla is a bit tricky to figure out, because being small and simultaneously savoury and sweet, it straddles the border between entrée, main course and dessert. all i know is that it’s delicious! the meat (traditionally pigeon, but mostly chicken these days) is mixed with roasted almonds, eggs, saffron and other spices, covered in super crispy dough sheets, and finally dusted with sugar and cinnamon before serving.

the result is a fragrant pocket of goodness… though it can be a bit tricky to dig into!

so it’s a bit of work, but when you finally manage to get a piece of it inside your month, it’s a-ma-zing!

bon appétit! :P

in morocco

night falls on jamaa el fna