just life

13 books left… help!

it’s a month till the deadline of my 101 things in 1001 days list expires. some things (volcanos? autocaravans?) are beyond hope… but there might still be just enough time for others – like the books i wanted to read.

i know… 50 books in 3 years is a pretty laughable goal… and yet i struggle. the reason i have trouble reaching it? fan fiction. why must the internet be filled with talented writers, who put my favourite characters in tons of fascinating situations?!

so i’m reaching out to you and asking for suggestions. which books should i read this month? i need quick, entertaining reads to drag me away from this fan fiction’s addiction… bonus points if they feature food or stationery-related themes! :D

in germany just life

ice-cream at vanille marille

we have a rule: if you’re going to cheat, make it worth it! none of that 1 euro kebab stuff or cheap ice-cream nonsense that leaves nothing but a bitter taste of regret in your mouth. go for the best and make it count!

for ice-cream, this means frequent trips to vanille & marille, our favourite ice-cream shop in berlin. so far, the caramel beurre salé is both mine and paulo’s all-time favourite, but we’re slowly making our way through their amazing selection, one flavour at a time. may the summer be long and warm! :D

in germany just life

these lingering summer days

with test daf scheduled to a month from now, my days are spent describing graphics and improvising 2-minute speeches about random events in my country. (how does one celebrate a silver wedding anniversary? or what happens at a funeral? errrm… )
learning german has been a fun ride, but i’m happy that i can almost see the end of school in sight now. i look forward to regaining control of my mornings!

on other news, it’s finally summer! i love these long and (mostly) sunny days. we wake up early to study or read and enjoy the weak sunlight of the early hours from the café around the corner. berlin’s esplanades are now perpetually full, as if everyone was soaking on every last bit of available vitamin d. it’s pretty much perfect… until the mosquitos come abuzz at sunset! :)

just life


“People assume that time is a strict progression of cause to effect, but *actually* from a non-linear, non-subjective viewpoint – it’s more like a big ball of wibbly wobbly… time-y wimey… stuff.”
the doctor

just life

happy things

it’s hot today, 30 something degrees and stuffy, reminding us of portuguese summers spent by the sea. i’m staying indoors, listening to obama’s speech and recovering from too much birthday food…

happy things lately:

– finishing yet another whole 30!
– receiving lots of handwritten letters from both friends and strangers
– waking up early to study with friends in the café around the corner
– hosting neat strangers through couchsurfing
– making new travel plans :)