just life links and ideas one second everyday video

one second every day

one month ago, we saw this great ted talk by cesar kuriyama. every day, he recorded one second of his life, and after a while, edited all the seconds on a video montage. it’s a simple thing… and yet, the result is such a captivating mashup of glimpses into someone’s life, that we immediately decided to download the 1 second everyday app and give it a go.

so… one month later, this is how the past month looked like in our lives:

somedays we almost forgot about it until the last minute and ended up recording something dull (or food), so the result isn’t a showpiece… and still, like magic, every brief second brings to mind a very specific moment, which in turn allows us to instantly remember the whole day!

having a visual reminder of every single day i ever lived is pretty awesome. i think i want do this for the rest of our lives! :D

links and ideas

truly happy

MARTIN: But does it make you happy, truly happy?

DOUGLAS: Oh well come on, no one’s truly happy.

ARTHUR: I’m truly happy!


DOUGLAS: No, Arthur, you are cheery. No one’s interested in the secret of true cheeriness.

ARTHUR: But that’s not true. I’m fairly often just completely happy. Like, for instance, when you get into a bath quickly and it’s just the right temperature, and you go “ooooh”. I mean really no one gets any happier than that.

MARTIN: What a depressing thought.

ARTHUR: No, no, it’s not though, because those sort of things happen all the time, whereas you’re hardly ever, you know, blissfully happy with the love of your life in the moonlight, and when you are, you’re too busy worrying about it being over soon, whereas the bath moments, there’s loads of those! Oh, like when you realise your knuckles are ready for cracking.

listening to cabin pressure makes me (truly) happy! :D

links and ideas postcrossing pretty things

a month of letters

in order to complete the letter-writing part of my 101 list, i’ve decided to join the month of letters challenge this coming february. i’m pretty sure i would have no problem acing it just with postcrossing cards… but i really want to try and write more letters!

i’m planning to send them mostly to friends, but i’m still short on recipients – so if you’d like to be included, just leave a comment below! i’d be happy to send you a letter :)

links and ideas postcrossing

lifestyle businesses

“There are more than 27 million businesses in the United States. About a thousand are huge conglomerates seeking to increase profits. Another several thousand are small or medium-size companies seeking their big score. A vast majority, however, are what economists call lifestyle businesses. They are owned by people whose goal is to do what they like and to cover their nut. These surviving proprietors hadn’t merely been lucky. They loved their businesses so much that they found a way to hold on to them, even if it meant making bad business decisions. It’s a remarkable accomplishment in its own right.”

from this nytimes article, via swissmiss.

we might not have a brick-and-mortar business, but this is us, word for word. :)

ps – plus, we’ve just hit 12 million registered postcards. another good day at “the office”!

links and ideas

the woody allen method

Updike and Oates are extreme examples, but there’s something to be said for what might be called the Woody Allen Method: Good times, bad times, you keep making art. Many of your productions will hit; some will miss; some will miss by a lot. But there’s no time for the flatulent gas of pretension to seep into your construction’s sheetrock. This is how Trollope, Balzac and Dickens worked. Each would have agreed with Gore Vidal, who once declared of those who moan about writer’s block: “You’re not meant to be doing this. Plenty more where you came from.”

from Dear Important Novelists: Be Less Like Moses and More Like Howard Cosell.