
weeknotes, 12/25

blargh… what a week. every single time we meet the little niece, i return home with some sickness and this time was no exception. :( i’m doing a course of antibiotics and did the bare minimum all week, skipping classes and just napping a lot.

because of all the downtime, i ended up finishing some books: system collapse, on tyranny and best christmas book ever. i listened to “on tyranny” (a required read for the times we’re going through), but audio felt like the wrong format for it — i think i need to actually read the book, highlight passages, mark stuff i want to think about… and audiobooks are not great for that. so, something to read again in the future.

richard scarry’s book was a delightful throwback to my childhood. my mom used to work at a children’s hospital when i was small, and borrowed lots of books from the hospital’s library for us to read. scarry’s books were some of our absolute favorites (all the details!), and i’ve mentioned them so many times that paulo gave me one for christmas. <3

my new laptop came with a free 3-month apple tv subscription, so we’ve been using it to watch severance. i like the premise and the aesthetics of it, and also how the music feels so fitting to the ambiance. i’m enjoying it for now.

somehow, we mustered the energy to drive to olhão and see miguel araújo play, which is always a happy event. i couldn’t sing much on account of all the coughing, but it was still nice to make it there and use these tickets we’d bought so long ago.

the good news is that time and medication are doing their thing and i’m feeling better. i’m hoping for a productive week ahead, getting ALL THE THINGS done! 💪


weeknotes, 11/25

a week in the north, catching up with family and friends, and running all the errands. on our way to the hospital for the post-surgery check up (all good) we got rained on so hard that it felt like we were inside some cartoon, with rain just being poured on us by a crazy god. maybe it doesn’t rain that hard in the south? or maybe we just don’t go outside when it does, not really having to be anywhere in particular on any given day.

my only surviving grandma (who makes the best fried codfish) turned 90 years old and the family threw her a little birthday party on the weekend, with her 7 living children and dozens of grandchildren and great-grandchildren. it was a loud and happy affair, as these things tend to be. it was also nice to spend time with tiny niece, and hear her say “a-na” for the first time. :)

entertainment-wise, we played carcassone with my brother and his wife (the big box, filled with expansions!) and i finished 2 books from the murderbot series. now i’m on the last one, and it feels a little bittersweet to be almost closing this chapter. :(

i also went swimming three times this week! years ago, i used to be really lazy whenever i went north, and do zero exercise for the duration of our stay. but last year, i started leaving a bag there with all the pool stuff in, and it changed everything. i got some pool cards for the swimming pools near my parents and the boy’s parents and just started going there. it works!

the bad news was that i seem to have caught a bug, either from the kid or from being rained on so much lately. *sigh*.


weeknotes, 10/25

we spent a few days (including the boy’s birthday) decompressing in comporta, in a tiny home in the middle of nowhere, with no one around. it was just us and the pine trees swaying in the wind, a big window with a view to the pond. every time we are in a tiny house, i get a little enamored by the concept and dream of a tiny place of our own. i think part of the appeal of it is just the need to forcefully declutter and live with less stuff. it’s kind of hard to do that in a big house, but i find the idea mentally soothing.

we drove north to plant trees in leiria with postcrossing friends that we see once a year for this event. it was a hard job this year, with lots of rain the whole morning. i’m glad i had my yellow raincoat from aldi with me! <3

we watched “a colorful dream” (a czech animation movie the boy remembered watching during a long flight) and i finished reading funny story, a light romance as a palate cleanser. i immediately forgot my plan to read the library books and dipped into book 5 of the murderbot diaries. i’m a little bit obsessed with the series at this point, and can barely put the book down.

i overdid it on the running and spent the week with shin splints, which wasn’t much fun… but being back north, we got to spend some time with this cute marshmallow! she still doesn’t talk all that much, but she’s easy-going and up for anything — even with us, the uncle and auntie she only meets every few months. i’m really thankful for that.


weeknotes, 9/25

spent the week tottering on the edge of overwhelm, but also kind of letting it propel me forward. we gave a long webinar presentation and answered questions from the audience for a couple of hours, and i had 2 chinese classes, one art class, and one general assembly of the local eco-association (which did not go well…).

the boy had to go to faro for a doctor appointment and i tagged along to get some new running shoes, some books for the kid and food stuff that is harder to find here. we got some russian sushkies, some pickled herring, jalapeños, and indomie goreng (which i had heard some weeks ago from the little mail carriers stay in bali). we topped the noodles with fried eggs, and… wow! the flavor was so familiar, like old school instant noodles from a decade ago. i bought a package of 5 and i’m already regretting not bringing more.

i took the new shoes for a couple of runs and broke the 5km barrier for the first time in a long time. running is starting to slowly change for me, from being something that drains me completely into something i can keep doing for a longer period of time at a low pace and not die. :) not fun, but not unpleasant either.

i’m sure the new treadmill is helping too, as walking while working has sort of become a background thing — i walk for hours and don’t even notice it anymore. it’s kind of amazing, what a human body can do when it is healthy and strong.

finished reading a court of wings and ruin, which took much longer than expected but was ok in the end. i’m reading “funny story”, and listening to “our malady” (one light, one heavy) but after this i think i’ll take a break and read the books i’ve brought home from the local library, which have been gathering dust in side tables. i wanted to read more in portuguese — it’s time to do that.


weeknotes, 8/25

this week, we changed our work schedule to be a single block in the mornings, starting quite early. getting up early is not a problem, but the single block does push lunch to later in the day… which in turns pushes sports towards the late afternoon, which makes me more likely to skip them. 😅 i’m not 100% sure i like this better than our previous afternoon blocks, but we’re giving it a go!

it’s been a good week for movies. we watched the six triple eight, a movie about the true story of the black woman army corps batallion that sorted mail in WW2. i knew the story already (we wrote about it on the postcrossing blog some time ago), so it was nice to see the movie. and we also watched don’t die (which was half-interesting but mostly weird…), trevor noah’s afraid of the dark, and flow (the cutest!). speaking of entertainment, i’m stuck reading a court of wings and ruin, and enjoying it less than the previous 2 books in the series… but now i feel like i’m too into the thing to quit halfway through. *sigh*.

apart from the occasional shower, the weather has been amazing lately — it really feels like spring. today we went out for a run (4kms!) and felt grateful for the blue skies and sea of yellow bermuda buttercup flowers.

currently knitting the popular sophie scarf, which is starting to look like a cute little croissant. got a super nice deal on the yarn, some alpaca mohair that a lady in town was selling in bulk. it’s extra fuzzy, which makes it a little tricky to knit with, but i’m muddling through.

had a nice time at art class this week, painting with white crayons and acrylic on dark paper. i copied some old photos of sophia de mello breyner, focusing on the light. i think they turned out nice! :)