just life

“Hoje o céu está mais azul,
eu sinto…
Fecho os olhos.
Mesmo assim eu sinto…
O meu corpo estremeceu.
Não consigo adormecer.

Nem o tempo vai chegar
Para dizer o quanto eu sinto
Você longe de mim.
É uma espécie de dor…”

Rosa, Rodrigo Leão

a avó mila morreu. estou longe e não vou mudar nada agora, ninguém muda o meu buraco no estômago, que eu sabia já meio amputado quando entrei no avião para vir para aqui.
tenho pavor a funerais, a ficar com as imagens estáticas gravadas por cima das que eu já tinha. mas aqui nem se aplica. quando o estado de degradação é lento e doloroso, quem é que consegue manter as memórias intactas?

por causa dela escrevo tanto. não em blogs, mas em notas, cadernos, cartas, folhas. por causa dela não consigo deitar nada fora – como se todos os pedaços de dias fossem uma memória que um dia, quando os genes tomarem conta do rumo, me vão ajudar a lembrar qualquer coisa.

porque se nos esquecermos é como se não tivesse existido. e é disso que eu tenho mais medo.

in the netherlands

guerrila style

the queen’s day is a big holiday in holland, with many parties and activities. it’s the day to celebrate the dutch pride: they dress up in orange and wander around town, having fun.
one of the activities going on is the “free market”, where anyone can sell anything they’d like on the streets.

now, everybody has always said to me i should try to sell those little wallets i make out of milk/juice cartons, but i never really did because i thought it was unfair. i’ve learnt it from rosa, which learnt it from someone else, and though there’s not really a patent on these things, it just doesn’t sound right.

what changed? well, not much i suppose. but me and joy, we just thought we could give it a go and sell them this one time, since it is actually legal on that day. for whatever (though always low) amount we charge, people get a tetrapack wallet and a recycling lesson to teach their kids. we have some neat ideas to make them unique and special, and we think it’s worth the shot.

in the end, we plan to buy something for everybody in the floor – they’re all very commited in helping it work. that’s what i like in these people. you set something up and all of a sudden you’re surrounded with enthusiasm and helping hands.
i love you all!

anyway, phase one is now set: we’ve drawn and painted some papers to spread on the 13 kitchens on this building, hoping that people will help us collect as many cartons as we can. wish us luck!

the cow parade

ps – i drawed the cows, joy, heye and levi painted them and joy took the picture. :)

update: in the first day, i gathered more 14 cartons, all around the building! :D plus one this morning. this is going to be fun!


g. and i saw some cloth markers on a cheap shop some weekends ago and decided to give it a go. first on a very old tshirt, then (because it worked perfectly) on a good one.

so the second “” tshirt is born. here’s the front and the back. :)

just life

já não há cartas de amor como antigamente.

Minha querida Felismina,

Bem sabes como sofre o coração deste pobre e velho marinheiro, por não conhecer a correspondência do teu amor. O amor… Felismina… o amor quando nos toca é como se tocasse um sino… um hino… sei lá! o trino de um alegre passarinho…

Felismina, eu quero voar para o teu ninho… (ah, esta tá boa, “voar para o teu ninho”!) e fazer o pino… (“fazer o pino”?!) Pronto, faço o pino! Ah, Felismina, as coisas a que o amor nos sujeita… Por ti eu fazia o pino… já não sei, que desatino!

Mas que hei-de eu fazer, Felismina? O amor é um furacão, desgovernando a minha embarcação…

Felismina, abranda a tua tempestade e manda-me uma brisazinha para atiçar as brasas em que vive o meu coração.


(d’Os amigos do Gaspar)

que ataque de saudosimo inopinado! :D


all hands bury the dead.

should i try to hide
the way i feel inside
my heart for you?
would you say that you
would try to love me too?
in your mind could you ever be
really close to me?
i can tell the way you smile
if i feel that i could be certain then
i would say the things

i want to say tonight

but till i can see
that you’d really care for me

i will dream that someday you’ll be
really close to me
i can tell the way you smile
if i feel that i could be certain then
i would say the things
i want to say tonight

but till i can see
that you’d really care for me
i’ll keep trying to hide
the way i feel inside

i keep some movies around for whenever i get in that soft state of melancolic misery, between sadness and anxiety, not feeling like getting out of bed all day, waiting for someone to guess i need a hug to lift it all up. sounds familiar?
life aquatic with steve zissou” is one of those, for no special reason other than i really like the style of the movie, and specially the soundtrack and “seu jorge” with his bowie versions played against the sound of the sea waves on the boat.

today, this zombie’s song that plays on the burial of zissou’s son totally fits the gloominess.