
harvesting honey

remember the family hives? despite some hiccups along the way, we still have them after all these years! when autumn comes, the honey is collected and this year we were fortunate to have quite a bit of the sweet stuff. my brother recently harvested it and i made some videos of the process, skipping the opening of the hive as there were not enough suits for everyone.

i like beekeeping — every phase of the honey-making process is beautiful!

just life

favourite human #2

this kid, that i held in my arms less than 24 hours after she was born, is graduating from nursing school this weekend… and i find the whole thing implausible. how did time go by this fast? seems like only yesterday we were feeding the pigeons in porto, pigtails and white dresses and so much laughter.

i think there are probably no words large enough to express this pride and joy — and especially the beauty of seeing someone grab an opportunity and transform their story into something unique.

the future is yours, kiddo — go get it!

algarving analogue wednesdays in portugal

analogue wednesday #80



sea, sun, sea, sun. rinse and repeat, all day, all summer.

one second everyday video

one second everyday — september 2016

keeping up with the tradition of exciting septembers past, this one was no disappointment!

there was time with the family and friends, updates to Postcrossing, races and kittens… but the highlight of the month was definitely a much-awaited visit to slovenia, in which we went back to all our favourite places and filled our souls with greenness. i’m convinced there’s no place quite like it in the world. :)

in portugal just life one second everyday

one second everyday — july 2016

july was oh-so-social!

we had lots of friends and family over, or met them for dinner or even skyped with them! we went to the beach a few times, and P even ran his first 5k there (and aced it!). the national team won the euro! we enjoyed the town’s nightlife and in the end of the month we drove north to help the family… and collect tons of summer produce from their gardens! :)